01 de juny, 2015

Sweet dream or nightmare?

Can we recognise happiness when it knocks our door? Or is it such an intense feeling we can not control? How bad can a good dream be? And I'm not talking about the stories our unconscious state of mind makes up while we are sleeping. No. I'm talking about our desires, the wishes we make when we blow the candles of a thousand birthday cakes. Desires that turn into idealized dreams that cut the rope between success and misery. The human ambition is endlessly full-filling, some of us always want more. And it's not this “more” that will stop us.
I was a floating feather carrying the weight of a hundred worlds upon my shoulders. I was a timeless paradox, a complete mess. Have I been found? Am I lost forever? Two questions permanently written inside my brain. I didn't know if it was happiness what I was feeling, if there was so much love in my life that I couldn't handle it, or if I was broken forever, incapable of recognising one single good emotion. And what drives me mad is this unknown sensation of blurry emptiness. I don't know if I have all I wanted, all I was begging for. I don't know if I'm an angel flying in a heavenly dream or I'm eaten by the demons in this ordinary nightmare.
The fight of two opposite concepts killing time inside a forest of doubts.
Black and white. Day and night. Warm and frozen.
Life is a world where dreams can become nightmares if treated with simplicity. We have to be aware of what we are seeking for, because if we play with life, in the end it will play with us as well.

The abstraction of this essay can be applied in material concepts, all in itself has an opposite term, a contradiction.